Sabtu, 29 Mei 2021



Letter To God

The only house in the valley was on the top of a small hill. From above such a height one could see a river and, next to the yard for raising livestock, fields of ripe maize between which were sprinkled with red bean flowers that always promised a good harvest. The only thing the earth needed was bulk. rain or at least a little rain.
            Throughout the morning Rancho kept his eyes on the sky for signs of rain and he was pretty sure that it was going to rain. "You know, woman, now it will finally get some rain." His wife, who was busy preparing the food, replied: "Yes, God willing '.
            As soon as the Rancho family, wife and children, sat down to dinner, it was expected that large drops of rain began to fall. To the northeast a large cloud covered the sky like a blanket. The air had the smell of rain combined with the smell of fresh earth. The atmosphere at that time was truly heavenly. Children abandon their food under the pretext of getting one thing or another. All they want is to get wet and play in the rain.
            Rancho was delighted as he stared at his field, "ah! Now my harvest will be beautiful." He began to dream about all the things he would do after he sold his crops. Suddenly a strong wind began to blow accompanied by large drops of rain, which looked like huge pearls of ice. "Oh my God! This can't happen," she thought. "No !! no !! I will be crushed. It is raining, it is a storm. I hope it will pass soon." But in front of his family he remained strong and said, "I am sure it will pass soon, don't worry. "
            Unfortunately no. The storm lasted all night. This destroyed entire valuable crop fields. everything looked so white as if someone had thrown sacks and pearl sacks all over the place.
            Rancho and his wife are worried to death. Everything they owned had been destroyed and they had no inkling of what they were going to do.
            The kids ask, "what are we going to do? Everything is destroyed. We don't even have a few pieces of corn or beans. Does this mean we will starve to death?"
            Rancho said, "My children, no one died of hunger. Always remember we have God. I am sure he will help us."
Throughout the night Rancho kept thinking how to ask God for help. "God knows everything but I thought I should write to him and ask him directly what I want."
            Rancho is grateful for the day his parents have sent him to school. Although he was not interested in studies, he was never reluctant to learn to read and write. So he took paper and pen and started writing.

Rancho lucas
Argentina Purple Hill
18 May 1999

For God
            I am writing this letter to you of extreme urgency, otherwise I would not have bothered you. You know about the recent storm at my place. Well, it broke me. Everything on my farm was destroyed. My corn and kidney beans were almost ready and all it needed was rain but instead of rain coming it was a storm. If it had lasted for a short period of time it would have been fine, but sadly it had lasted for one night. This has put me at a serious disadvantage, you look at God, my only source of income was agriculture and now it's completely destroyed. There is nothing left. If I leave it like this my family will starve to death, because we won't have anything to eat. I can't just sit back and do nothing about it. I need 100 pesos to buy my seeds and fields again and buy some food until the next harvest. So Lord, please help me. I know you won't disappoint me.

Best regards,
Rancho, farmer

            He put the letter in an envelope and addressed it to “God, 7 th heaven” and placed a stamp on it and dropped it in the mailbox. Workers at the post office are preparing letters for mail when they come across letters addressed to God. The postman who came across this letter became curious because his father had never seen a letter addressed to God. He wanted to open the letter, but his job ethics stopped him from doing so. He decided to take the letter and give it to the head of the post office. The postman is a very nice and kind man. He always helps people in any way he can. 
When the postman gave him the letter, he looked at it and said: "It takes a man with strong faith to initiate communication with God. I wish I had such strong faith. After much thought, he decided to read the letter and maybe reply to it. He opened Rancho's letter. Little did he know that repling letters would require more than goodwill, pen and paper. Rancho needed a lot of money but the postmaster didn't have. Since he had already decided to help Rancho, he decided to give some of it away. his salary, and he asked his friends and co-workers to contribute. But it was not possible for him to collect 100 pesos. He was happy that at least 70 pesos were collected. So he put the money in an envelope and signed it as "God" and asked the postman to deliver it to the house that rancho.
            When the postman arrived at Rancho's house and handed the letter to him, Rancho was very happy. And he kept repeating thank God! Thank you, God! I know you won't disappoint me.
            Rancho has a very strong faith in God. He wasn't surprised when he opened the envelope. But when he was counting the money he got very angry. God cannot make mistakes when sending money. So he took out a paper and wrote a letter to God again. Then he placed a stamp on it and put it in the mailbox. When the postman took the letter out, he immediately took it to the postman. The postmaster quickly opened the letter and everyone in the post office gathered around him wanting to know what Rancho wrote to God. Reads:
            "Lord, of the money I asked for, only seventy pesos reached me. Send the rest to me because I need it most. But don't send it to me by post because the employees at the post office are jerks.

My Letter To God :

Nadila Febrianti
30 May 2021

This is the first time I've written a letter to You, Lord.
If I may ask, I want You to protect me from all the dangers in this world, especially please protect me from myself. Please protect my family and friends too, Lord.
Please give me ease in carrying out my business in the world. Give me success and help me make all my dreams come true.
God, I hope I can take the highest education. I want to be someone who can inspire many people. I want to be someone who is useful to others. I want to achieve my goals.
Lord, when it is time for me to go, I want to go well and satisfied with what I get in this world and I hope that everything I do can be a charity for my life in the hereafter. I really want to enter your highest heaven, please allow me to be one of the inhabitants, Lord.

God, thank you for bringing me into this world.
Forgive me if I often make mistakes and sins.

Thank you, God.

Rabu, 26 Mei 2021

NARRATIVE TEXT - The Ocean Of Sorrow


Narrative Text

Narrative text is a type of text in English to tell a story that has a chronological sequence of events that are interconnected. The purpose of this text is to entertain the reader about a story or story.

Narrative Text Structure

The structure of the narrative text focuses on a series of stages that are proposed to build a text on its own. In general, there are four stages in Narrative text, namely:

1.) Orientation
Orientation or so-called introduction, contains about who, when, where a story is set.

2.) Complication
Complication tells the beginning of the problem that causes the peak of the problem or what is commonly called the climax. This section usually involves the main character of the story.

3.) Resolution
This section is the end of the story or in the form of a solution to the problem that occurred. Problems can be solved can be for better or even worse which will make the story end happily or vice versa.

Sometimes, there are resolutions which are other problems to solve. It is deliberately created by the author to increase and maintain interest and tension for the readers. Usually, this type of resolution is found in the mysteries and horror genres.

4.) Re-orientation
The part is the closing of a story which is optional. Re-orientation can contain moral lessons, suggestions or teachings from the author.

The Ocean of Sorrow

In the afternoon, a beautiful girl with a red hooded named Aisha looked sad on the seashore. She was sitting in the dock and kept looking at the blue ocean. The waves came crashing her feet but did not make her moved to another place. The shore of wind which blew till stabbed her bone did not make her eyes diverted to ocean.

That day, the sky was cloudless. She kept looking at the blue sea till the horizon began to return. She saw the fishermen who were getting back from the sea and bringing fishes quite a lot. The fishermen were greeted by their family who had been waiting for them at the edge of the ocean. Seeing something very emotional there, her tears soaked her cheeks. She thought of his family who had gone and left her alone.

That girl hated the sea because that’s where her family lost and died. It happened about 4 months ago when the ship that brought them from across the island was on fire and sank in the ocean. All her family died and lost including her mother, father, and brother. However, Aisha survived from the accident.

Until now, Aisha always comes to the beach every day to look at the ocean because from that place, she could remember her beloved family and remember the happy memories that they went through together. Her tears were rolling down her cheeks until the sun disappeared entirely behind the ocean.

Rabu, 28 April 2021

BIOGRAPHY - R.A. Kartini


R.A Kartini


RA Kartini was born on April 21, 1879 in Jepara, Central Java. RA Kartini was born in the middle of a Javanese aristocratic family. This is the reason why he got the RA title which stands for Raden Ajeng. However, after marriage, according to the traditional Javanese guidance, the RA title changed to Raden Ayu.

RA Kartini's birthday is currently celebrated as a national day, namely Kartini day. His commemoration of 21 April as Kartini's day is none other than to commemorate and honor his services who have fought for the Indonesian people, especially women, so that they can be more advanced and compete with other nations.

Family's background

RA Kartini is the first daughter of Raden Adipati Ario Sosroningrat's first wife. The father of RA Kartini was the son of Prince Arion Tjondronegoro IV. Although RA Kartini's mother was the first wife, RA Kartini's mother was not the main wife.

RA Kartini's mother named MA Ngasirah. He is a Kiyai in Telukawur, Surabaya. MA Ngasirah herself is not a daughter of noble descent. In fact, during the Dutch colonial period, there was a regulation if a regent had to marry a fellow aristocrat.

That is the reason why RA Kartini's father married Raden Adjeng Woerjan, who is a royal descendant of the King of Madura. After the marriage, RA Kartini's father was then appointed to be the regent of Jepara right after RA Kartini was born.


The grandfather of RA Kartini was the first regent who had given Western education to his children. Meanwhile, RA Kartini is the fifth child of 11 siblings, both biological and steppeople. RA Kartini herself is the oldest daughter among her siblings.

Then RA Kartini went to school at ELS (Europese Lagere School) until the age of 12 years. It was during this school period that he learned Dutch. The short period of schooling was because at the age of 15 RA Kartini had to stay at home because she had been secluded.

RA Kartini was very good at Dutch. She started learning to write letters to friends from the Netherlands, one of which was Rosa Abendanon, who was very supportive of RA Kartini. Starting from learning correspondence, RA Kartini became interested in the mindset of European women. He learned about it through newspapers, magazines and books. Then she began to have a desire to promote Indonesian women whose social status was still low at that time.

RA Kartini began to pay attention to the issue of women's emancipation by comparing European women with Indonesian women. For him a woman must get equality, freedom and autonomy as well as legal equality. This is what RA Kartini strives for in the future.

Post Marriage Until Death

November 12, 1903, precisely when RA Kartini was 24 years old, he was asked to marry the then Rembang Regent, namely K.R.M Adipati Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat. RA Kartini's husband already has three wives.

The husband of RA Kartini was very understanding about RA Kartini's wishes. In fact, he freed and supported RA Kartini to establish a women's school in the east of the Rembang office gate, which currently has become a scout building.

From his marriage to KRM Adipati Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat, RA Kartini was blessed with a son named RM Soesalit Djojoadhiningrat who was born on September 13, 1904. Unfortunately, four days after RA Kartini gave birth, at the age of 25, RA Kartini died and he was buried. in Bulu Village, Rembang.

Foundations, Books and Awards

Right in 1912, the Kartini Foundation in Semarang established a women's school which was named Kartini School. The school was founded by the Van Deventer family who were leaders of the Ethical Policy at that time. The construction of these schools then continued in Yogyakarta, Malang, Madiun, Cirebon, and various other areas.

After the death of RA Kartini, a Dutch man named J.H. Abendanon, who at that time served as the Minister of Culture, Religion and Crafts of the Dutch East Indies, collected letters that RA Kartini had written while actively doing correspondence with his European friends at that time.

From there the beginning of the compilation of a book whose title was originally "Door Duisternis tot Licht" and later translated as "From Darkness to Light", then published in 1911.

Sumber :,putra%20Pangeran%20Arion%20Tjondronegoro%20IV.&text=Ibu%20dari%20RA%20Kartini%20bernama,seorang%20Kiyai%20di%20Telukawur%2C%20Surabaya.

Rabu, 21 April 2021

VANITY, Why Is Thy Price?


VANITY, Why Is Thy Price?

I never lose things I borrow from someone because I am very careful and take care of them because I know they are not mine.

but I once lost my own stuff because I'm a very messy and clumsy person. for example, such as notebooks, school lesson notes or very important small objects such as hair bands, safety pins, pens and other small things.

Rabu, 14 April 2021




Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Respectable all of government and teachers

Honorable all of parents and all friends of this school

First of all let’s pray and thanks unto our God who has given us mercies and blessings. So we can attend in this program without any trouble and obstacles.

We are the candidates who could be successful in the future. This is the hope of all of us as students, parents and teachers in all schools. You become a successful person if it is a pride for us. The first step to make you a success is having a dream. Make great dreaming and keep it stays upright while hurricane crashing though a hurricane struck. Dream keeps flying on space with dashing like the red-white flag.

If we haven't had a dream then now is the time. Specify the dreams of us from now on. Deduce the dream for us with true and correct. Let the dream enslave us to make come true. Be aware the kids that dream sign someone's life and have hope. His life will be excited and far removed from any disease and stress.

We are great people stories. Then there we will find their success, our success named perceptible in all time history is the beginning of a dream. Look at the Prophet Muhammad, Marcopolo, Leonardo Davinci, Isaac Newton, and hundreds of other great people. They start from a dream.

Therefore at this time, let build dreams of you. What we want in life, it is the time to dream. Your guys are in the golden age. Don't waste the time for your guys.Because we will never know when we are in this world.

Make changes because the slightest change can affect both yourself and others.

These changes will someday advance our Indonesia, because with the development of the times we must also develop our way of thinking.

Be creative, express opinions and have an attitude and don't forget to always pray to God, because without His will we are only meaningless grains of dust.

The government, father/mother, all teachers and friends who I respect

Hopefully, i hope it can be realized. That’s all my speech, may what I have delivered be useful in our life. If you found many mistakes in my speech please forgive me.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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Rabu, 17 Maret 2021




Bullying is all forms of oppression or violence that are carried out on purpose by one person or group of people who are stronger or more powerful against another person, with the aim of hurting and being carried out continuously.

5 Scientific Reasons Why People Bully 

1. The desire to be dominant
2. Have low self-esteem
3. An uncomfortable life at home
4. Have been a victim of bullying
5. Lack of self-introspection

Case of Bullying - A series of cases of bullying or bullying have occurred in a number of schools in Indonesia in the last few months. 
The most recent case occurred in a Junior High School (SMP) in Purworejo, Central Java. Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo even directly monitored the case. 
Ganjar admitted that he immediately called the principal of the school where the case occurred and ordered the Head of the Central Java Provincial Government Education Office to come to Purworejo.

Still in February, a student of a SMPN in Malang City, MS (13), was forced to undergo an amputation operation of the middle finger of his right hand after being suspected of being bullied by 7 of his school friends.
Regarding the case, the Head of the Malang City Education and Culture Office, Zubaidah, said that the incident was not based on violence, but was just a joke.

7 Things You Can Do To Prevent Bullying


       Show Achievement                            

Make Friends with Many People

Build Confidence

         Not provoked to fight

Make Bully an Encouragement to Succeed

Don't Be Afraid or Sad

Report to Competent Authorities


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Rabu, 24 Februari 2021




Narrative text is a type of text in English to tell a story that has a chronological sequence of events that are interconnected. The purpose of this text is to entertain the reader about a story or story.

Types of Narrative Text

Narrative text can be imaginary or factual. Here is an example of a genre from Narrative text:

Fairy tale
Science fiction
Myth and legend
Slice of life
Personal experience

Characteristics of Narrative Text

1.Using action verbs in the form of past tenses.
2.Using a specific noun as a pronoun.
3.Using the Adjective to form Noun Phrase.
4.Use the Conjunction to sort events.

Narrative Text Structure

The structure of the narrative text focuses on a series of stages that are proposed to build a text on its own. In general, there are four stages in Narrative text, namely:

Orientation or so-called introduction, contains about who, when, where a story is set.

Complication tells the beginning of the problem that causes the peak of the problem or what is commonly called the climax. This section usually involves the main character of the story.

This section is the end of the story or in the form of a solution to the problem that occurred. Problems can be solved can be for better or even worse which will make the story end happily or vice versa.

Sometimes, there are resolutions which are other problems to solve. It is deliberately created by the author to increase and maintain interest and tension for the readers. Usually, this type of resolution is found in the mysteries and horror genres.

The part is the closing of a story which is optional. Re-orientation can contain moral lessons, suggestions or teachings from the author.


The Golden Swan

Long time ago, there lived a King. He was lazy and liked all the comforts of life. He never carried out his duties as a King. “Our King does not take care of our needs. He also ignores the affairs of his kingdom." The people complained.

One day, the King went into the forest to hunt. After having wandered for quite sometime, he became thirsty. To his relief, he spotted a lake. As he was drinking water, he suddenly saw a golden swan come out of the lake and perch on a stone. “Oh! A golden swan. I must capture it," thought the King.

But as soon as he held his bow up, the swan disappeared. And the King heard a voice, “I am the Golden Swan. If you want to capture me, you must come to heaven."

Surprised, the King said, “Please show me the way to heaven." “Do good deeds, serve your people and the messenger from heaven would come to fetch you to heaven," replied the voice.

The selfish King, eager to capture the Swan, tried doing some good deeds in his Kingdom. “Now, I suppose a messenger will come to take me to heaven," he thought. But, no messenger came.

The King then disguised himself and went out into the street. There he tried helping an old man. But the old man became angry and said, “You need not try to help. I am in this miserable state because of out selfish King. He has done nothing for his people."

Suddenly, the King heard the golden swan’s voice, “Do good deeds and you will come to heaven." It dawned on the King that by doing selfish acts, he will not go to heaven.

He realized that his people needed him and carrying out his duties was the only way to heaven. After that day he became a responsible King.

Narrative text is a type of text in English to tell a story that has a chronological sequence of events that are interconnected


Rabu, 17 Februari 2021




There once was a fisherman who lived with his wife in a small hut close by the seaside. The fisherman used to go fishing every day. One day, as he sat in his boat with his rod, looking at the sparkling waves and watching his line, all of a sudden his float was dragged away deep into the water. He quickly started to reel in his line and managed to pull out a huge fish. 

“Wow! This will feed us for days.” Much to his surprise, the fish started to talk and said,
“Pray, let me live! I am not a real fish; I am an enchanted prince. Put me in the water again, and let me go! Have mercy o' kind fisherman.” The astonished fisherman quickly threw him back, exclaiming, 

“I don't want to hurt a talking fish! Go on! Go where you came from.”

When the fisherman went home to his wife, he told her everything that had happened and how, on hearing it speak, he had let it go again. “Didn't you ask it for anything?” said the wife. 

“No, I didn't, what should I have asked for?” replied the fisherman.

“I am surprised you don't realize what you should have asked for. We live very wretchedly here, in this nasty dirty hut. We are poor and I am so miserable. You should have asked for a nice cozy cottage. Now go back and ask the fish that we want a snug little cottage”, said his wife

The fisherman wasn't sure about this but he still went to the seashore, sat in his boat, went to the middle of the sea and said:

“O enchanted beautiful fish!
Hear my plea!
My wife wants not what I want,
and she won't give up till she has her own will,

so come forth and help me!”

The fish immediately came swimming to him, and said, 

“Well, what is her will? How can I help your wife?” “Ah!” said the fisherman, 

“she says that when I had caught you, I ought to have asked you for something before I let you go. She does not like living in our little hut, and wants a snug little cottage.” 

“Go home, then,” said the fish, “She is already in the cottage!” 

So the fisherman went home, and saw his wife standing at the door of a nice trim little cottage. 

“Come in, come on in! Look at the beautiful cottage we have.” 

Everything went fine for a while, and then one day fisherman's wife said, “Husband, there is not enough room for us in this cottage, go back to the fish and tell him to make me an emperor.” 

“Wife,” said the fisherman,
“I don't want to go to him again. Perhaps he will be angry. We ought to be happy with what the fish has given us and not be greedy.”

 “Nonsense!” said the wife; “The fish will do it very willingly, I know. Go along and try!” 
With a heavy heart the fisherman went to the middle of the sea and said:

“O enchanted beautiful fish!
Hear my plea!
My wife wants not what I want,
and she won't give up till she has her own will,
so come forth and help me!”

“What would she have now?” said the fish. “Ah!” said the fisherman, 

“she wants to be an emperor.” “Go home,” said the fish; 

“She is an emperor already.”

So he went home and he saw his wife sitting on a very lofty throne made of solid gold, with a great crown on her head full two yards high. And on each side of her stood her guards and attendants in a row. The fisherman went up to her and said, 

“Wife, are you an emperor?” “Yes”, said she, 

“I am an emperor.” “Ah!” said the man, as he gazed upon her, “What a fine thing it is to be an emperor!” “Husband,” said she, “it is good to be an emperor.” They were happy for a while

Then a time came when she was not able to sleep all night for she was thinking what she should ask next. At last, as she was about to fall asleep, morning broke, and the sun rose. 

“Ha!'” thought she, as she woke up and looked at it through the window, “after all I cannot prevent the sun from rising.” At this thought she was very angry, and wakened her husband, and said, 

“Husband, go to the fish and tell him I must be Lord of the sun and the moon.” The fisherman was half asleep, but the thought frightened him so much that he fell out of the bed. 

“Alas, wife!” said he, “cannot you be happy with being such a  powerful emperor?” “No,” said she, 

“I am very uneasy as long as the sun and the moon rise without my permission. Go to the fish at once!” “I don't think this is a good idea,” said the fisherman but his wife wouldn't listen to him. 
“ Why don't you just go and ask the fish to make me the Lord of everything,” she said.

Then the man went shivering with fear. As he was going down to the shore a dreadful storm arose. The trees and the very rocks shook and the sky became black with stormy clouds. There were great black waves, swelling up like mountains with crowns of white foam upon their heads. Unfortunately the fisherman did not have any choice, so he got onto his boat and rowed to the middle of the sea and cried out as loud as he could:

“O enchanted beautiful fish!
Hear my plea!
My wife wants not what I want,
and she won't give up till she has her own will,
so come forth and help me!”

“What does she want now?” said the fish. 

“I am truly ashamed of my wife's greed but I can't do anything. 

She wants to be Lord of the sun and the moon. “Go home,” said the fish, 

“to your small hut.” And it is said that they live there to this very day.

Moral value the enchanted fish

Do not behave greedy for something and should be grateful for what you have owned.

Conclusion :

Moral value of the Enchanted Fish story is we should not be greedy for something and should be grateful for what we have owned

Sumber :


  Letter To God The only house in the valley was on the top of a small hill. From above such a height one could see a river and, next to the...