Minggu, 25 Oktober 2020




Zero conditional or conditional sentence type 0 is a conditional clause that is used when the result / consequence of the condition is always materialized because it's a scientific fact or general truth which is habitual activity.

Function :

The zero conditional is used to discuss scientific facts or general truths.

Formula :


Example :

1.) if you study hard, you will get good grade

2.) if you eat too much, your stomach will get hurt

3.) if it's rain you will get wet

4.) if you don't finish your homework, you will be punished


Nadila : where did you buy your book? 

Ismi : humm why? 

Nadila : The cover is so cool, my book doesn't look like that 

Ismi : If you need a book, buy it at a bookstore

Conclusion :

The zero conditional is used to discuss scientific facts or general truths.

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2020



In type 1 conditional sentences, the tense in the if clause is the simple present and the tense in the main clause is the simple future.
As in all conditional sentences, the order of the clauses is not fixed. You may have to adjust pronouns and punctuation marks when changing clause order, but the meaning is the same.

Example : 
1. If it rains, you will get wet
2. You will get wet if it rains
3. If Sally is late again I will be mad
4. I will be mad if Sally is late again
5. If you don't hurry, you will miss the bus

This condition refers to conditions that may occur and the possible results.  
These sentences are based on facts and are used to make statements about the real world and certain situations.This sentence is often used to give a warning.
the time is present or future and the situation is real.

Example :
1. If I have time, I'll finish that letter
2. What will you do if you miss the plane?3. Nobody will notice if you make a mistake
4. If you drop that glass, it will break

Ismi         : look at the weather! It's getting rains!
Nadila     : Oh no! I have to go to my grandmother house.
Ismi        : If it rains, you will get wet.
Nadila    : Don't worry! I bring my umbrella, take it easy!

Conclusion :
First type if conditional is use to talk about possibilities in the present or in the future.
Example ( If i wake up late, i will skip my breakfast )

Kamis, 08 Oktober 2020



Passive voice is a form of sentence where the subject of the sentence takes action, not takes action.

 1.) The passive voice is used frequently.  (= we are interested in the passive voice, not in who uses it.)

 2.) The house was built in 1654. (= we are interested in the house, not in who built it.)

 3.) The road is being repaired.  (= we are interested in the path, not in who did the repair.)

Example :
1. Everyone understands English 
Passive ( English is understood by Everyone )

2. We cleaned our house yesterday
Passive ( Our house was cleaned yesterday )

3. She didn’t invite me to the party
Passive ( I wasn’t invited to the party )

4. They didn’t study Math last night.
Passive  ( Math wasn’t studied last night )

5. She would reject the offer
Passive ( The offer would be rejected by her )

6. This surprises me
Passive ( I am surprised by this )

Nadila       : do you know the news?
Ismi          : what it is?
Nadila      : in 32 street there is a house. The house has been destroyed by the fire
Ismi          : really? It's very close to my house
Nadila      : yeah, you would have been told by your mother

Conclusion :
Passive voice is a form of sentence where the subject of the sentence takes action, not takes action.


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