Minggu, 15 November 2020




Third conditional sentence is a conditional sentence when a condition cannot be realized at all because the conditions must have been met in the past. or it could be regret.


Refers to past probable conditions and possible past outcomes. Sentences are only assumptions and are not real because it is too late to do them now and the results are impossible.


If + Past Perfect, would/should/could/might + have + past participle

Example :

1.) If you hadn't lied to me before, i would have believed you
2.) If the weather had been good, we would have gone swimming
3.) If you had worked harder, you would have passed your exam
4.) If i had met Fitri last week, i would have given her my exercise book


Both would and had can be shortened to 'd, which can be confusing if you are unsure about using type 3 conditional sentences. Remember 2 rules:

1. Would never appear in the if clause, so if 'd appears in the if clause, it must be short for had.
2. Had never appears before have, so if 'd appears in front of the pronoun right before have, it must be an abbreviation of would.

  • If I'd known you were in hospital, I'd have visited you.
  • If you'd given me your e-mail, I'd have written to you.
  • I'd have bought you a present if I'd known it was your birthday.

Conclusion : 

Third conditional sentence is a conditional sentence when a condition cannot be realized at all because the conditions must have been met in the past.

Description :

Rabu, 04 November 2020



sentence to use when the result of a condition has no or little chance of manifesting because the condition is unlikely to be met in the present or is difficult to meet in the future.

The function of type 2 if condition is to refer to a situation which is a supposition and the possible outcome.  
Not based on the real situation and the time is now or anytime and the situation is not real or presumed.

I. If + simple past + Present conditional/present continuous conditional

Example : 
1. You wouldn't be tired if you take a rest
2. He would hurt himself if he always fought
3. If it rained tomorrow i would sleep all day

II. Use of "if were"

Example :
1. If i were older, i would leave from my house
2. If i were you i would be so happy
3. If i were a doctor i would help many people

Nadila     : Did you receive the test results this morning?
Ismi         : yes, did
Nadila     : how?
Ismi         : i got 85
Nadila     : if i were you i would be so happy
Ismi         : how about you?
Nadila     : not bad i got 80

Conclusion :
Type 2 if condition is to refer to a situation which is a supposition and the possible outcome.

Minggu, 01 November 2020

SPECIAL EDITION - Commemoration of the National Doctor's Day and Youth Pledge Day 2020


National Doctor's Day and Youth Pledge Day 2020

24 October is the National Doctor's Day. Of course, in my opinion, this is a special celebration to be able to appreciate the services of doctors who have been helping the community. Especially in the current pandemic, the role of doctors is really needed.

To all the Indonesian medical teams, I would like to thank you very much for your hard work and sacrifice. Maybe just saying thanks is not enough considering that you all have to be willing to part ways with your family in order to carry out your obligations. 

Thank you again for holding out for all of us. 

Thank you for being there when we need.

And after that we will commemorate Youth Pledge Day on 28 October. The history of the youth oath is indeed extraordinary, of course today as Indonesian youth we must continue the determination of our predecessors.

My message for the youth in Indonesia, continue the struggle on our own path. The hobbies that we like, the jobs we do, all have their own roles, even though they are small. Even though we have the desire to study abroad, apply that knowledge to our country. 

Apply the knowledge that we get to further advance the country and nation. So that we can enjoy the results of our hard work together.


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