Rabu, 27 Januari 2021




Explanation text is a type of English text that contains how or why something happened. Generally, this type of text describes the process of something happening. The things described in the explanatory text are in the form of natural and social phenomena.

Generic Structure of Explanation Text

1.) General statement
General statement; stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained.

2.)  Explanation
Explanation; stating a series of steps which explain the phenomena.

Purpose of Explanation Text

> Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific, and cultural phenomena.

> To explain how or why something happens.

Type of Explanation Text

> The First Type ( Text that explains why something happened )
= such as why the glass is dewy when we shower

> The Second Type ( Text that describe how something happened )
= such as how landslides can occur

Language Features of Explanation Text

In an explanation text, there are linguistic features as below :
– Using simple present tense
– Using abstract noun (no visible noun)
– Using Passive voice
– Using Action verbs
– Containing explanation of the process

Example of Explanation Text

How a Tsunami Happens?

General Statement

We all know that tsunamis are a series of destructive waves and powerful. Tsunami is the deadliest wave because the wave speed is incredibly fast. But do you know how a tsunami can happens?


Tsunami originated from Japan, “tsu” meaning harbor and “nami” meaning wave. They are normally caused by landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions in, or close to an ocean. After some sort of underwater disturbance, this causes energy to rise up to sea level pushing the water high into the air. Gravity kicks in and pulls it down again and then consequently causing the water to filter out into many different directions.

When a tsunami begins to approach the shore the energy in the wave is compressed. As a result, the water is pushed up into the wave, resulting in a powerful tsunami. If the trough hits the shoreline first, it then causes the tide to drastically retreat.


So, tsunamis happen because of natural disasters such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. People who live near the shoreline have to be careful because they are threatened by tsunamis whenever there is an earthquake.


Explanation text is a type of English text that contains how or why something happened.

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Jumat, 15 Januari 2021




    Cause and effect are the type of compound sentence that has a cause and can cause an effect. Cause means something that happens, while the effect is a consequence of the incident.


(noun) someone or something that makes a situation happen.

The cause of the flood was the massive of amount garbage thrown in the river. (Penyebab dari banjir itu adalah banyaknya sampah yang dibuang ke sungai)

(verb) an activity that makes something happen.

The massive amount of garbage thrown in the river caused the flood. (Banyaknya sampah yang dibuang ke sungai menyebabkan banjir ini)


(noun) a change which is the result of an activity or cause.

The rain had an effect on her mood. (Hujan mempunyai pengaruh pada mood-nya)

a. Affect

**When effect is used as a verb it changes to affect.**

(verb) to produce an effect; cause something to happen.

The rain affected his mood. (Hujan mempengaruhi mood-nya)

Keywords to identify sentences that contain a cause-and-effect relationship is that there are words like:

Due to ; Because of ; Owing to ; Thanks to ; As a consequence of ; As a result of ; Because ; Since ; As ; For ; etc.

Cause : Because ; Since ; Cause ; Reason ; So that ; Unless ; etc.

Effect : If ; Consequently ; Therefore ; Thus ; Effect : etc.

To express cause and effect in English, the above sentence or phrase will usually be followed by a (noun) or (verb).


A cause and effect word followed by a noun or noun phrase usually uses a word or phrase (signal word / phase) such as :

Because of ; Thanks to ; As a result of ; Due to ; As a consequence of ; Owing to

Cause or cause is always written after the causal phrase (signal word / phase) as in the example above. Below are common patterns:

Signal word/phrase+Cause+Effect
Effect+Signal word/phrase+Cause

Example : [a noun or noun phrase is underlined]

1. Due to Bella’s nervousness, she did not pass the driving test.

Karena kegugupan Bella, dia tidak lulus ujian menyetir.

Signal phrase: due to

Cause: Bella’s nervousness

Effect: She did not pass the driving test

2. As a result of the rain, we canceled the outing.

Karena hujan, kita membatalkan pikinik itu.

Signal phrase: As a result of

Cause: the rain

Effect : we canceled the outing

3. She was dismissed as a consequence of her ignorance

Dia diberhentikan karena ketidak tahuannya

Signal phrase: as a consequence of

Cause: her ignorance

Effect : She was dismissed


A cause and effect word followed by a subject + verb or verb phrase usually uses a word or phrase (signal word / phase) such as:

Because ; Since ; As ; For

Cause is always written after the causal phrase (signal word / phase) as in the example above. Below are common patterns:

Signal word/phrase+Cause+Effect
Effect+Signal word/phrase+Cause

Example : [subject + verb or verb phrase will be underlined]
1.He's always late because he always stay up at night 

Dia selalu telat karena dia selalu begadang.

Signal phrase: because

Cause: he always up at night 

Effect : He's always late

2. The outing was canceled since it's raining

Piknik itu dibatalkan karena hujan.

Signal phrase: since 

Cause: it's raining

Effect : The outing was canceled

3. Because Bella was nervous, she didn't pass the driving test

Karena Bella gugup, dia tidak lulus ujian tes mengemudi

Signal phrase: Because

Cause: Bella was nervous

Effect : she didn't pass the driving test

Exercise Page 79-81


ISMI            : I’m worried about my friend

NADILA    : What happen with your friend?

ISMI          : My friend was grounded because he cheated on a test

NADILA    : Oh,he deserves to be punished

Conclusion :

 Cause and effect are the type of compound sentence that has a cause and can cause an effect. Cause means something that happens, while the effect is a consequence of the incident.

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Minggu, 03 Januari 2021

NEW YEAR! 2021


I can't believe it's new year. People say the new year is starting a new beginning, hoping that good things will come to this year. So is my hope.

The most important thing I hope for this year is that the corona pandemic will end soon.

 I've been dead bored at home for about 6 months. I also can't travel on New Years holidays which is really annoying.

My second hope, I want something new to happen to me. I wish I could go beyond my limits and also I want to be able to fix my vices.

My third wish, I wish everyone I love to be always healthy. I want to hang out with friends as well as my family.

My most important plan for the new year is studying.

Yup, I will study hard to be able to restore my original grades, I was really annoyed with myself last year because my achievement in academics was very lacking.

Secondly I want to learn more about digital art, especially in drawing applications and making comics.

Then I also want to try a little bit to improve my worship, such as increasing the sunnah fasting, praying at night, reading the Holy Qur'an more and trying to memorize it again.

My holiday in 2020 can probably be said to be the worst vacation I've had.

I just stay at home accompanied by a black laptop and my favorite smartphone.

Sometimes I watch movies and listen to songs.

But I spend most of my time sketching drawings and comics in Paint Studio.

I made more of this, and it numbed my hands and trembled for a while. Trust me, it's not easy but because I am stubborn and very curious I try to cooperate with my hands to continue it.

So how about you? What are your hopes and plans for this year?


  Letter To God The only house in the valley was on the top of a small hill. From above such a height one could see a river and, next to the...