Minggu, 03 Januari 2021

NEW YEAR! 2021


I can't believe it's new year. People say the new year is starting a new beginning, hoping that good things will come to this year. So is my hope.

The most important thing I hope for this year is that the corona pandemic will end soon.

 I've been dead bored at home for about 6 months. I also can't travel on New Years holidays which is really annoying.

My second hope, I want something new to happen to me. I wish I could go beyond my limits and also I want to be able to fix my vices.

My third wish, I wish everyone I love to be always healthy. I want to hang out with friends as well as my family.

My most important plan for the new year is studying.

Yup, I will study hard to be able to restore my original grades, I was really annoyed with myself last year because my achievement in academics was very lacking.

Secondly I want to learn more about digital art, especially in drawing applications and making comics.

Then I also want to try a little bit to improve my worship, such as increasing the sunnah fasting, praying at night, reading the Holy Qur'an more and trying to memorize it again.

My holiday in 2020 can probably be said to be the worst vacation I've had.

I just stay at home accompanied by a black laptop and my favorite smartphone.

Sometimes I watch movies and listen to songs.

But I spend most of my time sketching drawings and comics in Paint Studio.

I made more of this, and it numbed my hands and trembled for a while. Trust me, it's not easy but because I am stubborn and very curious I try to cooperate with my hands to continue it.

So how about you? What are your hopes and plans for this year?

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