Senin, 13 Juli 2020


HI! My name is Nadila Febrianti, i'm eleventh grade now. I'm the oledest sister on my family. I have one little brother, now he ia studying in 10 grade.

Sadly now i have to study at home because of the corona virus outbreak.

To be honest i have a bit of trouble studying at home because indirect communication requires a lot of time for me to understand the assignments given.

But i'm sure behind this plague there is meaning that we can take. So while learning at home, i try to maximize myself to work and study like at school.

Meanwhile in home i like to do activities like drawing, painting or watch a lot of movies. What are you guys do?

For all friends while maintaning health and hygiene, use a mask if you're out and eat healthy foods.

This is poster i've Made for new normal

Also Watch My YouTube Video :


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