Selasa, 21 Juli 2020




means to give a suggestion that is to introduce or propose an idea or a plan for someone's        consideration.

are abstract and can be in form of solution, advice, plan and idea. it can be accepted or refused.

a. Asking Suggestion
  • Shall we finish it ?
  • Do you have any suggestion ?
  • What you recommed ?

b. Giving Suggestion
  • COULD    =  We could be there if we were invited
  • MIGHT     =  She might visit the botanical gardens
  • SHOULD  =  You should sleep immediately

c. Accepting Suggestion
  • Why not ?
  • What a great idea
  • Let's try that
  • Not bad
  • yes, i'd love that

d. Refusing Suggestion
  • Bad idea !
  • I'd rather not !
  • Maybe next time
  • No, let's not

Dialog 1

Me            :    It's raining outside.
Person      :   Yes, the weather is so cold and i'm so boring.
                      Do you have any suggestion ?
Me            :    I know ! Let's go outside and play rain !
Person      :    I'd rather not ! It can make me sick !
Me            :    You right, let's watch movie then
Person      :    Okay, let's watch movie !

Dialog 2

Ismi             :    Hi Nadila! Where are you going?
Nadila         :    I want to go to the bookstore, there's something I have to buy
Ismi             :    You should wear a mask when you go out and 
                         don't forget that you should keep rarely with
                         others okey?
Nadila         :    Well thanks for reminding me.
Ismi             :    You're welcome.


Means to give something physical or abstract to someone, which can be taken as a gift or a trade.
Can be given in terms of food, money, solutions, friendships or a bargain. It can be taken or refused.

a. Giving Offering
  • Would you like me to help you ?
  • How can i help you today ?
  • What if we learn together ?

b. Accepting Offering 
  • Yes, please !
  • Sure, thank you !

c. Refusing Offering
  • Sorry, i can't
  • No, thanks for the offers

Dialog 1

Me                  :   Where do you want to go?
Person            :   I want to go to the library
Me                  :   What do you want to do ?
Person            :   I want to borrow several books
Me                  :   Would you like me to help you ?
Person            :   Sure, Thank you !

Dialog 2

Nadila             :   Where do you want to go with all those paper ?
Ismi                 :   i want to go to the teacher's office
Nadila             :   It looks like you're having a trouble.
                            Would you like me to help you ?
Person             :   No, thanks for the offers.
                            I will bring it by myself.

Conclusion :

Suggest means to give a suggestion that is to introduce or propose an idea
we can use shall we or do you to ask suggestion

Offer means to give something physical or abstract to someone
we can use would you or how can to ask offer

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